Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today was a good session, I could feel there is a much better improvement and fluentcy. Sparred with a newly found friend Bukhari, and he's a really cool guy. Yet, being a morbid perfectionist I knew there's a lot of area I need to improve especially 'gas'. 'Gas' rans out pretty fast I need 'gas' if I were to stay alive in the ring. In fighting, a part from technique and skills you need a top notch conditioning, imagine a Ferrari, a great car, fast and powerful. Though it is so, perhaps it is not raceworthy. Why? Because it needs to be tune to meet the racing requirement. Same as fighting, you may have great skills and technique, but your body and mind must be tune in to fighting mode. At the moment I have none. Crap!!!

The trick is to keep on going, keep on doing it, keep on kicking, and don't stop. There'll always will be light at the end of an avidly dark tunnel, regardless of how dark it is, coal black morbidly dark, there'll always will be light. Believe in it, pursue it and those who remains trying and on a constant path of defeating its own adversary shall emerge victor.

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