Monday, January 4, 2010


I went to the course with full of resentment and left it with full of enthusiasm. That's ironic. As I anticipate, the course was tiring, sweaty, and bruising. You had to hit and be hit. I don't really enjoy getting hit, because I'm great, stellar, special, again I am actually the God of war afterall, and being hit signifies defeat. I don't loose, I win, because I am a winner and winner dont get hit.

After a while, I'm slowly getting use to it, being hit. Instead of taking it as an insult to my genormous, larger than life ego, I'm starting to enjoy it. I ask Zombie, my partner, to hit me harder. I want to be hit, hard hit, as hard as a hit could be. The harder it is, the more I receive, the stronger I feel I've become. Ironic. After a while, I think I freak Zombie a bit and he's starting to get worried. You can't hurt me, again, I am the God of war afterall.

Overcoming your corioursity, fear, or anxiety does takes you to another level. You'll actually discover that you can actually do things that you believe you can not. Ironically it shows that we don't actually know who we are, things that we can't, could be the thing that we very much capable of.

There is a saying that, 'dont't try to be something that you are not'. Again, how would you know that you are not supposed to be that thing? We do not know ourselves, we do not know ourselves.. We might think that we want to be or to have that certain thing we want, but we might realise that actually we dont, and would we regret it. I say don't, because that is part of our journey, our life, our living. Perhaps maybe our purpose in life are not meant to discover, perhaps our purpose is to live, feel, touch and know, and once we are done, we'll leave and return to the creator, knowing that the living in this world is knowing.


  1. You will be happy and content with waht you have someday. Like what you opined, in order to know happiness, you will have to understand sadness.

  2. that's what I've been trying to tell you bro..

  3. Oh gosh i get it now. I know who you are bro.
